Thursday, February 7, 2008

Top Five-Songs that Make Me Laugh

With all the political talk going on in this house and on the news, I decided it was time to think about something else for awhile. So, in the spirit of the movie High Fidelity, which I watched again last night, I'm instituting a weekly Top Five. Now this Top Five will cover a broad range of genre gems-from popular culture to the great outdoors-and hopfully it will entertain and enlighten you as much as it does me.

I had a great work out this morning singing out loud and dancing on my treadmill as I contemplated today's Top Five category: What five songs always make me laugh? I'm not talking a little te-he here and there, but a full on, make me blush, throaty laugh. So here they are, my go-to songs when I need a quick lift. Enjoy.

Top Five Songs that Make Me Laugh

1. Tribute, Tenacious D, Tenacious D -This song rocks in so many ways.
2. David Duchovny, Cheap and Evil Girl, Bree Sharp -She sings a personal anthem here.
3. Tommy the Cat, Sailing the Seas of Cheese, Primus -Um, wow.
4. Her Majesty, Abbey Road, The Beatles -Short and sweet.
5. Vincent of Jeresey, Midnight Radio, Big Head Todd and the Monsters

It's the box of Camels that does it for me on number five; even now I laugh thinking about the iconoclastic nature of that brand. Besides a one time date with Lucky Strikes, they were the only cigs I ever smoked. Between this song and Still Life with Woodpecker, what other choice was there at eighteen?

Now, if you have songs that get your gullet moving, pass them along. And please know that I did consider a great many Ween and Spinal Tap songs, but will reserve a few of those beauties for another Top Five. Good Times-I'm out.

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