Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Simple Reminder

Wow! I've been jonesing to blog for a few days, but life has been a bit busy between company, work, play, and Fur Rondy activities. I did have an hour of coveted PT (Personal Time) on Sunday and put a few thoughts down hard copy style-so here it is:

I just read the story of a man had an amputation of the lower half of his body from the pelvis down; and he did so by choice. This guy and his story gave me pause. After a crippling accident in childhood, his simplest desire in life was to be able to bathe himself and have gainful employment. After his surgery he was happy to have lost legs that were of no use to him-he was happy to finally be able to sit in a wheelchair. So happy, that within days of surgery he found a job at the hospital he had been living in for years.

To me, bathing and working are things I almost consider rights. I certainly don't spend much time thinking about how to do them, or if I'm able to do them. To him, these were big, big dreams. Often I think that my happiness is based on my circumstances: Is my house clean enough? How is my butt looking today? Did the kids behave at the store? When can we replace the carpet? These everday questions often obscure the ideals of living a grateful and graceful life. Vacuuming, cellulite, the accoutrement of day-to-day, these things do not matter in the end. I'm not sure I'll ever to get to the place where I don't need this reminder; until then, I'm thankful when it comes along.

Recommended reading:
"Life in an Eggcup" by John Gamel, Alaska Quarterly Review, Fall and Winter 2007