Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Magic Bullets II

One of the things I like best about being a Domestic Diva is that you can wield awesome power phrases like "New Rule" and "It's Tradition" at will. Having these two phrases in your daily arsenal is like having John Wayne and Clint Eastwood getting your back. You don't mess with the Diva when she's whipping these babies out. Once in awhile, I give my husband a head's up before instituting a New Rule, and if I'm feeling really good, he gets a choice of options, for a New Tradition. Once, he tried to make his own New Rule and I laughed out loud at his lack of vocal conviction and fortitude. You don't pull these bad boys out unless you can stand behind them.

When I left the workforce as a full time drone, I discovered the power of instituting "New Rules". I think I was mostly trying to come to grips with my new 24/7 reality, where previously, rules might be suggested and not really enforced. As the first few months shaped my inner Diva I often found myself increasing my vocal range as I lectured the fam: "New Rule: We always rinse our ice cream bowls! New Rule: We don't scream with delight while running down the hallway in our underpants until after 8am! New Rule: If either one of us hasn't showered in the last day...forget about it!" It worked. NR's wer my new BFF's. Three years later, I can honestly say that the quantity of NR's has decreased, though I have had to revisit a few of them: "Um, remember the rule about mommy needing coffee before anyone speaks in the morning?" I'd like to think that my family has finally recognized my supreme Diva wisdom; what's more likely though, is that they behave so that the Crazy Diva stays on vacation.

"It's Tradition!" (BTW, this must be said with the most perky voice you can muster) is another great tool afforded to the Diva. I'm not talking about being traditional in a red plaid sort of way, but of introducing those lovely get out of jail Diva gems called family traditions. In our house, we have one that is firmly entrenched: Popcorn Sunday's. This means that every Sunday we have popcorn for dinner. Lots of it. I carry this one over from my mom. Her mom had Sandwich Sunday's. Can you see the beauty of either one? Because I think that pizza should be it's own food group, I'm slowly sneaking in Pizza Saturday's (also from dear ol' mom). And the other one I declared this year is: Frisbee Golf Mother's Day, in which no one has to get dressed up, eat out, wait in line, or fight over jello salad at the buffet. I'd love nothing more than a deserted course, my family, and nine baskets of fun for Mother's day. (Okay boys, this Diva is sending a big hint your way....) What traditions do for me is get rid of the meal planning, event planning, and day to day life planning that I endlessly do. Traditions also help moderate expectations and are great for creating consistency, which means this Diva doesn't have to contingency plan either. Score!

Now, I'm a gal that works well with rules. I like things defined and orderly and so all of the above works for me. It wouldn't however, unless I tempered it all with a healthy dose of love. I think me and the fam are on to bigger and better things, but I'll retain users privleges on these babies for awhile yet. After all, A Diva is not a Diva without a few magic bullets up her sleeve.