Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Camping: Eklutna: June 08

Baby cries, mom sighs
and mummy bag adds a third
Owl calls long and loud

Haiku. 5-7-5. How can I capture this moment? A snapshot of my night counted syllabically on fingertips....

That is what rumbled around my head from about 3-4:30 am while the boys slept peacefully all around me, and the owl made it's second round of the morning through the campground. The kids with the gym whistle finally stopped at 11pm. The baby woke at 1am along with the owl. David had already made his way into my bag and Lucas followed. There is nothing like a howling baby in the dead of night, in a tent, at a crowded campground. Hmmmm. Good times.

To be fair, there were some tender moments between Lucas and I as he listened to the bird, then the airplane, and then a late night diesel engine rumbling by. Several times he looked up at me with a clear, intense gaze, while his fat cheek pressed against the warm sleeping bag. Occasionally, he'd reach out and touch my face, as if to see if he was really awake. A few minutes before he fell asleep, he sat part way up, looked close and deep into my eyes, spoke something profoundly intelligible (to him), leaned in for a kiss, sighed, and fell quietly to his dreams. That moment alone was worth the cold, the noisy owl and the snores coming from everyone but me.

1 comment:

Kiel said...

This Eklutna adventure was probably the worst family camping trip so far with all the noisy neighbors and cold-baby screaming. But we did persevere and last week we went camping in the rain at a campground in Seward. I'm not sure if we'll get in any more camping this year, but there's always next year....