Saturday, April 5, 2008


Ah springtime in Anchorage...a season announcing itself by it's trademark scent rather than the greening of tress or blooming of flowers. Yes, on our daily walks to check the status of our local duck pond we've come upon that ever so lovely smell of know, the dog poo/early barbecue/dryer sheet/rotting leaves/ muddy smell that permeates the air for a few weeks during our beloved break-up. It's been warm: low 40's and cloudy that past week and the dutiful weathermen had been threatening snow any day. It arrived this morning, all wind driven and wet like and early Nebraska winter storm. It wont last, but it drives home the point that in Alaska, it's not really spring unless it snows a few more times.

The boys and I have been traversing the dry road to the duck pond just about every day in the wagon. Lucas gets the biggest grin as soon I buckle him in, and if David needs to burn off some energy, I make him pull for awhile. I've taken to pulling them up the big hill on the other side of the pond to make a loop out of our trip. 65lbs of dead weight behind me makes me feel like a sled dog at a weight pull, but my legs and heart thank me for it at the end of the night. The downhill ride proves to be equally challenging as I have to run to control the wagon as the boys shriek with delight. I was cautious the first time; now, I run a bit faster and hope that I don't wipe out on the gravel scree. It's like their own cheap roller-coaster ride. Kiel started it, and I continue because it's fun, a little dangerous, and the boys just love it.

Lucas is getting his feet wet in the walking arena. He takes 4-6 steps now before falling down or into your open arms. He has this thing where he wants to stand up by himself before he tries it. So, trying to get him to walk between Kiel and I is almost impossible. Yesterday he took off from the stair rail down the hall, which tells me that he's getting ready for the big time. I'm holding to my earlier prediction that he'll be walking by the end of this month. He is certainly a kid who knows his mind. One might say picky-but I wont put that on him-mostly because it would be attributed to me.

It's been a long slog this week. The wagon rides have helped our end of winter cabin fever and I've decided to start a running program to get my head and body back into shape. I did watch The Thin Man which was surprisingly entertaining. I'd recommend it. Well, the baby is up from nap no.2 and it's time to get back to the grind. Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its funny, your description of the smell of spring makes my nose twitch and somehow I can actually smell the memory of it. Blech. ;)