Sunday, April 20, 2008


Well, it seems that spring may finally be here. We hit 45-48 degrees today depending on where you were and boy did it feel good. I counted several people breaking out their capri's and flip-flops even...a little early perhaps, but up here, we take what we can get. The sun felt great and the people I came across seemed happier than normal.

After spending the morning with the family, I headed out for an afternoon off from my domestic diva life. Those of you who know me well, know that I have a particular loathing for public restrooms.-any toilet that is not my own really. When I was a kid you I could pretty reliably tell you where the bathroom was in any restaurant, grocery store or mall. Even if I hadn't been there, I had this uncanny knack at sussing them out. I remember once eating out with my family and someone asked where the bathroom was. My aunt Ro said "Ask Chelsea, she always knows where they are." I was five.

I still keep track of them in my head, but more to avoid them than anything else. Today at the grocery store, I had to pee. I tried to rationalize that I could wait, but I knew it was inevitable. Why didn't I go at the cafe? I mentally kicked myself and headed down the dim hallway goosebumps and all. There was paper on the floor when I walked in-never a good sign. I could see that the first stall-my usual pick- had tp all over the floor so I reluctantly moved past and found the last stall open. This one had tp on the floor too, but at least not where I had to stand. Now, when I go in a stall, I try to touch as little as possible. This door was out to get me. The first lock was broken and the second lock was one that you had to pick up and slide over to secure it. (sigh) Finally sealed in my metal cubicle I got down to business. I NEVER sit...EVER, EVER, EVER....I have mastered the art of "The Hover" and it works for me. Don't even bother me with seat covers-that is just more stuff to touch, and line up, and why would I take the time? Ick. Ick. Ick. Anyway, I'm doing my thing and I realize that there is this smell permeating the air...not a bodily function smell (thankfully) but a sickly sweet, minty gum they thought if they pumped Doublemint gum scent into the bathroom it would cover-up all the other problems? Oh my. Okay, Done. Let's go. I never touch the flusher. Feet only. If it's a push-button thing; I walk away. I just can't bring myself to do it. You can imagine what it looks like to take my kids in-mostly it involves them looking like they are in a hold-up-I make them keep their hands in the air the whole time; but that's another blog entirely.

I still had a good day, and great time off, even with the latrine ordeal. And I learned something along the way: I'll never use that one again. Ever.


Lisa said...

I read this as I was headed into a day of airport bathrooms....thanks (not!)

Anonymous said...

Until now I don't think I fully appreciated how the Women Who Pee Upright sorority shaped my convictions about public restrooms.

cmamarun said...

Oh, the WWPU sorority...I'd forgotten all about that. Membership means you hang with the big the one Greatful Dead show I went too I had to pee in this wide open field with many other people going nearby, and I would do that again over several of the public facilities that I've had to use. Got a sticker in my butt for crouching in the miniscule grassy cover and it was still better than than this last go round.