Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Walk the Talk

Today I learned that you can buy a nine year old girl as a sex slave for $50 in Haiti. You could just use her as a housekeeper, or for both occupations if you wanted. All you have to do is feed, clothe and shelter her. You do not have to pay her. You do not have to care for her. She is your slave. You own her.

It appalled me to hear this on NPR this morning. According to Benjamin Skinner, slavery is more rampant and less expensive than during the big Euro-American slave trade 200 years ago. I listened to this story and yelled at the radio for a moment, then stormed off in a self-righteous huff down the hall. But what use is that? My anger wont stop slavery unless I take a stand, join some organization that is trying to stop the trading of human lives, and put my money and time where my mouth is. Hmmm. That seems like a lot of work.

Here's the thing: our indignation needs to extend beyond our apathy if we are really going effect a change in our world. We may not reach Haiti, but we might make a difference in our own locale. We have to do more than talk about it though. It was one of my resolutions this year to volunteer my time, not just my money. Today's news was a reminder that I haven't done that yet. I'll keep you posted.

Disclaimer: I have not read this book-but if you are interested here it is:
A Crime So Monstrous: Face-to-Face with Modern-Day Slavery
by Benjamin Skinner
A Google search will give lots of other info on this topic as well.

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